Prova Office 365 Migration
Hello Prova users! All of the information that you need to know related to the Office 365 migraion is available here. It may be helpful to bookmark this page (Ctrl + D) for future use. I’ll keep this page updated with all of the latest information, so feel free to check back for updates!
Current status: Complete
Latest Update: All mailboxes have been successfully migrated to Office 365! You can follow the below instructions at your convenience to connect your mobile phone to your new Office 365 mailbox. Be sure to check your webmail inbox at the link below as well. Give me a call if you need any help, otherwise have a nice day!
Did you know that Office 365 has a great web interface that you can easily access from any computer? You can use the same link that you’ve used before ( or click on the link to the right to log in!
How to connect your Office 365 account to your mobile phone
Click on your phone type below for a video demonstartion of the process:
How to install the latest version of Microsoft Office
If you aren’t using the latest version of Microsoft Office (2019), follow these simple steps:
1) Click on this link to be taken to Microsoft’s Installation page:
2) Sign in with your Prova email address and password
3) Click on the red “Install Office” button.
4) You’ll then be taken through a small installation wizard, which will install the latest version of Microsoft Office for you.
5) Once you have completed the installation, you can safely remove your old copy of Microsoft Office (using Add/Remove programs) if you are comfortable doing so, or just reach out to Chris for help with this step. This last step can be done any time, so feel free to complete the above steps at your convenience.
How to update SharpSpring once the Office 365 migration is complete
If you aren’t using a product called SharpSpring, you can ignore this!
- In a new browser tab, log into your instance of SharpSpring.
- In SharpSpring’s top toolbar, click User Settings > Settings.
- In the left panel, under My Account, click Mail Sync.
- Under Choose your provider, click Office365.
- Enter your Prova email address into the Username field.
- Enter your Prova email password into the Password field.
- Click Connect.
- In the Inbox drop-down menu, select the desired inbox for syncing.
- In the Outbox drop-down menu, select the desired outbox for syncing.
- Click Finish.
- If you have any questions, let me know! My contact info is at the bottom of this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will I need to do with Outlook on my PC?
Great question! As long as you have updated Outlook to version 2016 or 2019 (per my email communication), your settings should update automatically for you over the weekend. You will need to authenticate with your Prova username and password when Outlook opens. Please see the note below regarding your username to ensure that you are able to log in successfully.
What is my username?
Some people have a username of just their first name, others, have a username of firstname.lastname, and others have their first initial followed by their last name. So for Chris Hansen, my username could be (,, or You should see your username every time you log into your PC, but if you’re not sure just give me (Chris) a call, or worst case scenario, just try all three options. Again, if you need any help, just reach out to me using my contact info at the bottom of the page, and I’ll be glad to help!
I can't get this to work on my phone, and I'm getting an error that says my account doesn't exist. What's wrong?
For some people their email address is not the same as their username, but most people have their username set up the same as their email address. If your account set up is not working on your mobile phone enter your email address like this (ex:, even if that isn’t your actual email address, and that should go through. A couple of people also have their first initial followed by their last name (ex: as their username. If that doesn’t work, just give me a call or text using my information at the bottom of this page.
Will I still be able to use webmail?
Yes, absolutely. If you used webmail before, you’ll be happy to see that the web interface has improved greatly in Office 365. You can get to your Office 365 webmail through a web browser at If you forget that URL, and you need to log into your email account from a web browser, you’ll also just be able to log into with your Prova username and password.
Will my email address and password be the same as before?
Yes! Your email address and password will be the same on Office 365 as they were previously. Please see the note above that describes how some people will need to use just their first name as their email address. This is nothing new, but is now the systems was set up originally. If you signed into the previous email system as Prova\firstname, you’ll need to sign into Office365 as
I added the new account to my cell phone. Is it safe to delete the old one now?
Yes! Here are some helpful instructions for removing your old Prova email account from you cell phone after you have successfully added your new account:
I'm here to help!
If you have an urgent need during or after our migration, call or text me at 562-587-6144. If you have a general question or a need that isn’t critical, just send me an email at I’ll also be reachable on WhatsApp if you happen to be out of the US during our migration.